
Veeam is a software company that specializes in backup, disaster recovery, and intelligent data management solutions for businesses of all sizes. Their products are designed to protect data across virtual, physical, and multi-cloud environments, ensuring data availability and reliability. Veeam's offerings include backup and replication software, cloud data management, monitoring and analytics tools, and data protection for virtualized workloads. They cater to a wide range of industries and have a strong focus on ensuring data security, compliance, and business continuity.

Դասավորել ըստ :

Veeam is a software company that specializes in backup, disaster recovery, and intelligent data management solutions for businesses of all sizes. Their products are designed to protect data across virtual, physical, and multi-cloud environments, ensuring data availability and reliability. Veeam's offerings include backup and replication software, cloud data management, monitoring and analytics tools, and data protection for virtualized workloads. They cater to a wide range of industries and have a strong focus on ensuring data security, compliance, and business continuity.


Դարձիր գործընկեր!
Ստացեք հասանելիություն հատուկ գներին։

Ուշադրություն՝ գրանցումը նախատեսված է միայն կորպորատիվ հաճախորդների համար, որը հաստատվում և ակտիվացվում է (կամ մերժվում) մեր կողմից 1 աշխատանքային օրվա ընթացքում: